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Hi, I’m Tiffany Gorman,

It’s time to be informed, empowered and advocate for you and your baby

I see you are worried about your pregnancy and upcoming birth. What will it be like? Can I manage the pain? Is this normal?


I see you have had a baby before, but the experience wasn’t what you expected, you were unsure of what really took place.


I see you are worried about the statistics on Black maternal mortality rates and wondering what you can do for yourself.


I see you having questions and wanting answers that respect and dignify your agency

You don’t have to be in fear about pregnancy and birth.


You can have an empowered and joyful pregnancy and birth with the right information. Knowledge is power as they say. You have the key to preparing for an informed birth.

Eff Logo final PNG.png

Efflorescence  ef·â€‹flo·â€‹res·â€‹cence

a: the action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower : BLOSSOMING

b: an instance of such development

c: fullness of manifestation : CULMINATION


-Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Peace I'm Tiffany

My divine purpose in life is as a birth educator/doula with specializations in holistic healing thru yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy. I help Black pregnant people who are fearful about having a safe pregnancy and birth, to build knowledge so they can advocate for themselves and have a safe, dignified, empowered birth.

Here’s my story 

An encouragement in gaining knowledge

*TW Sexual Violence


Early in my pregnancy, I changed doctors 2 times. My third and last doctor I transferred to her at about 5 or 6 months pregnant. I was at a reputable hospital for most things, but I didn’t know about maternity care, or how to find that information out. I was having vaginal burning throughout my pregnancy- and was told I had herpes. I wasn’t offered any information about risks to my unborn baby, or treatments. Nothing. Just, you have herpes. The day I went into labor, they, because I don’t know who was touching me, told me I had a very severe untreated yeast infection. Not herpes. A yeast infection. 


I relied on friends and family when I had questions about pregnancy. My aunt told me about the bloody show. A friend taught me about Braxton Hick's contractions. So the day I went in for my last prenatal appointment, I was 5 days past my due date, and my OB told me I was going to be induced. I was taken to triage and told I would start on Pitocin. I didn’t know what Pitocin was! I wanted a natural birth with no intervention, and I didn’t know what any of the interventions might be. I called my sorority sister while in triage asking her about labor induction! I was able to hold them off of me for a little while, but then the induction happened. At one point, a cervical exam was being done, and it was the most pain I have ever felt in my life. Only now, knowing what I know, do I understand that medical sexual violence was done to me. I had a nonconsensual membrane sweep done and with the untreated yeast infection, it was terrible.  


A group of medical students were ushered into my room during an exam. No one asked me if it was ok. I told them they had to leave. The lack of agency I felt in this hospital; laboring a full day by now, no food or drink, just ice chips, and a saline drip, I didn’t know if I could do it. Then, my angel walked in. She was a nurse who appeared out of nowhere. She came into my room, looked around to make sure no one heard her, came over to me and said, “Don’t let them do nothing you don’t want to do.”  And then she was gone. She gave me the strength to try and push my baby out. I ended up with a Cesarean, but I found my voice again.


I know that having knowledge about something, the pros and cons, and the alternatives makes me feel more at ease. When it comes to my body? Absolutely! Most of us understand the very basic mechanics of pregnancy and labor, but no understanding of the hormones rushing in our bodies and how they control the birthing process.




You can have the knowledge, and feel empowered to guide your own birthing process, working with your body and your baby, surrounded by support. 


In an unbiased environment, learn the options in birth, how to find information about your hospital and birthing people, and ways to advocate for a dignified birthing experience. 


With Evidence Based Birth© classes, postpartum doula services, yoga, personalized meditation, and aromatherapy products, I can support you in your birthing journey. 


Some fun facts about me…


I started taking care of babies when I was 11 years old


I went to Japan as a child ballet dancer for a month-long tour


I have one beautiful daughter and a loving husband


I believe Black women are powerful


I love the sanctity of the Black family, however it looks


I am here on Earth to support, love, and encourage Black births

“Thank you so much for everything you've done for Robby and our family the last few weeks!.”

- Rachel & Nick

“Tiffany's commitment to her work and to the health and lives of birthing people is awe-inspiring.”

- Laura N.

“She constantly sought ways to better support us and did so in a multitude of ways..”

- Micheal E., MD

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